v1.185453afc · ·
Version of the fitting code used to generate the results found in the following article: [Gaël Servignat, Philip J. Davis, Jérôme Novak, Micaela Oertel, and José A. Pons, 2024, Phys. Rev. D, 109, 103022](https://doi.org/10.1103/PhysRevD.109.103022)
v1.01d711ee1 · ·
Version of the fitting code that was used to create the results for Servignat et al. (2023), submitted to arXiv 02/11/2023.
v0.2f7f1def7 · ·
Latest version which implements a (flawed) crust model for both a 1- and 2-parameter equation of state.
v0.1e502b77c · ·
Application of the Pearson et al 2018 fitting scheme to a two-parameter equation of state. The files produced from this version were used an an initial test for Gael's neutron star hydrodynamical code (as discussed in Meudon 31st June-1st Jule 2022).