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## Documentation
- Documentation is being produced for the javascript part
- Discuss when/how to make it available on-line (even if not yet completed)
- Discussion about how to make the Doc available (i) for Yafits on Juliette (ii) for the version to be distributed (at IRAM). The question is raised to put in into the Docker and to generate the Doc when a build is done. But this requires to have javadoc ans sphinx into the Docker. Another question is by which server such a doc would be provided (ie yafitsv).
- The first prirority is (i). It is decided to run a local script on Juliette to generate the javadoc and the sphinx documentation.
- When the doc is modified, one should pay attention to run the script on Juliette in order to make the Doc up-to-date. Setting-up a cron is not necessary.
- One url http://yafits.obspm.fr/doc will be created that will point onto a index file (introduction of the Doc). Then 2 pages will be accessible that will point to the local directories of javadoc and sphinx. Simple use on symbolic links.
- Actions :
- install sphinx and javadoc on Juliette
- configure sphinx and javadoc
- generate the doc (local files inside yafits/ directories
- create a new url and pointers to these directories
- Once this framework is being deployed, test and discuss again (ii) for the IRAM version (make it possible for IRAM to generate their own documentation about their own version on their own servers).
- JP has been contacted again. Answer's pending
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