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Improvement : change YAML exodam syntax

Chosson Ulysse requested to merge IMPRROVEMENT_change_yaml_exodam_synatx into main

[0.14.4-alpha] - 2021-05-10


  • Improve the test with pytest mark parametrize and assertpy
  • Add a function to extract the name of the different objects in the objects part in yaml exodam file (extract_name_of_object)
  • Add a function to delete from list of unknown the correct sg with regex yaml ^sg[1-9]+$
  • Add a check for the gs part of a yaml exodam file


  • Modification of the pytest folder structure for clarity
  • Change the syntax of yaml exodam file for the new version (cf Issue #26 (closed))


  • Load the cerberus unknown check file in the master function to optimise the detect_unknwon_recurssive function
  • The function detect_unknown now look if there are several times an unknown values and add only 1 time in the list of unknown values
  • Add the type satellite in exo_type in different cerberus file and check file
  • The function out_of_sg is undated change it for get_objects and get_gs
Edited by Pierre-Yves Martin

Merge request reports
