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REFACTORING fix some bug, change some functions and features, add doc and doctests, add tests cf

Chosson Ulysse requested to merge REFACTORING_2021_10_20 into main

[0.23.4-alpha] - 2021-10-21


  • Add doctests in various functions.
  • Add a test export, import diff to check to check if we export a yaml file and reimport it, the 2 files are identical.
  • Add a file with all dict and list us to check, detect_unknown, sort,... .resources_files/utils.yaml
  • Add the csv_init folder with all the correct file to import, the folder replaces csv_basic.csv which corresponded to the old export


  • Improve docstring in various functions.
  • Change the functions and tests to get the dict and list to sort, detect_unknown,.. for load the new files contain these informations : .resources_files/utils.yaml
  • Change vupnu, we no longer use tag : vupnu in cerberus check file, now use the Key-Merge from yaml. tag : vupnu ->
Vupnu : &vupnu
    type : [float, dict]
    nullable : True
    schema :
      value :
        type : float
      uncert :
        type : float
      pos_uncert :
        type : float
      neg_uncert :
        type : float
      unit :
        type : string

replace_vupnu was deleted. This function is outdated. merge yaml doc.

  • Change the test for import not gs, now if no gs.csv file return None
  • Change path of the yaml file to import. now the file give by import is ./'file_name'.yaml not ./'dir_name'/'file_name'.yaml
  • Change the init verb, now creat a yaml file or a folder with csv files all the exemples file are in .init/
  • Change the location and name of yaml init file


  • Fix the regex for the name of objects in import ".?[a-z]." -> ".?[a-z1-9]." . Now accept name with only number.
  • Fix export: if the export is not forced and the file is not valid they did the export anyway, now if one of the two is True we do the export otherwise no
  • Fix name of some parameters in different files (Magnitude_X -> magnitude_X, Rotation_... -> rotation...)
  • Fix function and tests in export for the new faltten delimiter '__'

Merge request reports
