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Refactoring new struct

Chosson Ulysse requested to merge REFACTORING_new_struct into main

## [0.26.0] - 2022-02-15


  • Change execute() to match the new requests structure.
  • Change add() to match the new requests structure.
  • Change min() to match the new requests structure.
  • Change max() to match the new requests structure.
  • Change aand() to match the new requests structure.
  • Change where() to match the new requests structure.
  • Change order_by_descending() to match the new requests structure.
  • Change order_by() to match the new requests structure.
  • Change select() to match the new requests structure.
  • Request become SQLEnumerable and a new dataclass is used for connection.


  • Delete ffrom() which is no longer useful beacause the table is populated in the SQLEnumerable.
Edited by Chosson Ulysse

Merge request reports
