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RPW / TUTORIALS / python-tnr-tds-tutorial
MIT LicenseContains source files used during Data tutorial on Sept. 16, 2021 organized during the Solar Orbiter 8th workshop at Belfast (https://blogs.qub.ac.uk/so8belfast/data-analysis-workshop-16-september-2022-2/).
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RPW / TUTORIALS / python-bias-tnr-tutorial
MIT LicenseUpdated -
RPW / TUTORIALS / python-lfr-tutorial
MIT LicenseUpdated -
MASER / Catalogues / Examples
Apache License 2.0Updated -
Quantifying how indicative the stellar stream is of the orbit of the host
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Notes et programmes liés à l'atelier de calcul avec les tables alphonsines
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MASER / demo / ASOV-2024
MIT LicenseUpdated