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Ates Onur / ctao-data-explorer
MIT LicenseUpdated -
artemix / yafits
BSD 2-Clause "Simplified" LicenseYet Another FITS viewer. This project allows to browse remotely in a WEB browser a collection of FITS files and visualize their content. Inspired from tools like ds9 or goview ( part of GILDAS software), it adds the "remote" dimension.
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exoplanet / exoplanet.eu
OtherThis catalog is a working tool providing all the latest detections and data announced by professional astronomers, useful to facilitate progress in exoplanetology. Given the heterogeneity of observational papers, a uniform catalog (with uniform degre
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Albouy Segolene / ALFA exhibition
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterUpdated -
exoplanet / exoplanet.eu-scholar-api
European Union Public License 1.2Updated -
Exoplanet-Atmospheres-LESIA / Exo Evol
GNU General Public License v3.0 or laterUpdated -
exoplanet / ExoDoc
European Union Public License 1.2Updated -
COSMIC / tools / emu
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Bernard Julien / sardine
MIT LicenseUpdated -
Servillat Mathieu / OPUS
MIT LicenseObservatoire de Paris UWS System (OPUS): UWS web client/server developped at the Paris Astronomical Data Centre.
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Reese Daniel / AIMS
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyUpdated -
Reese Daniel / SPInS
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyThe Stellar Parameters INferred Systematically (SPInS) characterises stars based on classic constraints. It has be derived from the AIMS code. For more details, see https://dreese.pages.obspm.fr/spins
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